Docks & Wave Attenuators

With the Hazelett Dock Master System 1-4 elastics are connected on the bottom side to the shackle which connects to the anchor and on the top side to a shackle which connects to unline, rope or chain depending on design.

The quantity of elastics used varies depending on the project requirements. A limit line with a 105kn-194kn break strength is integrated to limit stretch as needed and provide additional break strength.

A double 10′ (3 meter) Dock Master System provides a 60kn working load and a 240kn break strength. A triple 10′ (3 meter) Hazelett Dock Master System provides a 70kn working load and 240kn break strength.

The Hazelett Dock Master is used throughout the world to moor concrete jetties, aluminum pontoons, modular plastic pontoons and more. Typically installed under pre-tension, the DockMaster evenly distributes loads throughout the lines creating the most stable, safe and eco-friendly dock mooring system in the world.

Single DockMaster Elastic Mooring Assembly
Double DockMaster Elastic Mooring Assembly
Triple DockMaster Elastic Mooring Assembly
Mooring Bridles

Hazelett Dock Master System and wave attenuators anchored with chains tensioned at high tide will wander at low tide when the chain becomes slack. When wind and waves build, chain-anchored structures will jerk violently as the chain becomes taut. Peak loads at the windward chain-to-dock connections can cause them to fail.
Docks and wave attenuators anchored with Hazelett Elastic Rodes (or a combination of elastic rodes and chain) are tensioned at low tide, so they stay put at low tide. As the tide rises, the elastics stretch. Docks and wave attenuators secured with Hazelett Elastic Rodes have a more gentle motion, reduced point loads, and are easier to walk on in rough weather.

Inspection & Maintenance

Docks anchored with Hazelett elastics have uniform loads on the entire structure. Our single point systems reduce point loads and ensure boats stay pointed directly into the wind with a constant, gentle pull. While our mooring system requires minimal maintenance, we recommend the elastics be inspected on a yearly basis and after strong weather events such as hurricanes. Inspections should be conducted regularly by trusted and qualified mooring installers. If desired, we are partnered with quality inspectors who will be happy to travel to project sites to inspect moorings and guarantee the integrity of the mooring system(s).

Installation Support

Hazelett Marine strives to support our clients throughout the installation process. We value our customer relationships and strive to provide the best service possible. Hazelett recommends and can provide a professional, certified and experienced installer to be on-site to conduct or supervise installation. Hazelett installers can provide all necessary information and feedback to ensure a proper installation that will guarantee the structural integrity and reliability of the mooring system(s).

Conversation Elastic Mooring Systems brochure image in English

HM Dock Installation Guide

Conversation Elastic Mooring Systems brochure image in English

Hazelett Marine Limited Warranty

Conversation Elastic Mooring Systems brochure image in English

HM Terms & Conditions

Brochure image in English for Hazelett Marine

Single Point Mooring Marketing Brochure – English

Brochure image in Spanish for Hazelett Marine

Single Point Mooring Marketing Brochure – Español

Brochure image in French for Hazelett Marine

Single Point Mooring Marketing Brochure – Français

Hazelett Marine Floating Dock Inquiry Form

Dock/Pontoon Quote Form

Boat Mooring Quote Form

Boat Mooring Quote Form

Floating solar inquiry form

Floating Solar Quote Form

Conversation Elastic Mooring Systems brochure image in English

Dock Marketing Brochure – English

Conversation Elastic Mooring Systems brochure image in Spanish

Dock Marketing Brochure – Español

Conversation Elastic Mooring Systems brochure image in French

Dock Marketing Brochure – Français

PADI logo

International PADI, Inc, California | March 2015

The Hazelett Elastic Mooring Rode offers a better solution. Because of its engineered ELASTICITY, it stretches out smoothly under the load of wind and sea, thereby eliminating the peak forces of a rigid chain rode. The Hazelett rode provides a new Home Arabian dimension in mooring systems – the dimension of elasticity. During storm conditions, this new dimension also protects against the effects of the sudden increases in water depth caused by storm surges or the impact of a break-away boat.

Royal Yachting Association logo

Bryan Gullan, Isle of Man | November 2017

The elasticity within the mooring set-up eliminated entirely the ‘snatch’ associated with chain moorings during heavy weather and helps the boat to maintain a very stable position over the mooring in rough conditions. The Hazelett system eliminates virtually all moving parts, so reducing wear on the majority of components.

RPS asa logo

RPS APASA PTY LTD, Australia | July 2014

Hazelett rodes maintain elasticity to absorb forces from strong winds and tides and preserves the integrity of the mooring system under severe storm conditions.

Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries logo

Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Massachusetts | February 2009

Seagrass loss associated with boat moorings at Rottnest Island, Western Australia.
BACI Home Arabian design reveals the decline of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica induced by anchoring.

Get In Touch

Tell us about your project or challenge and we will follow up promptly to help provide a solution.

Operations: Burlington, VT:
+1 (802) 399-2627