When it comes to mooring systems, traditional chain moorings have long been the standard. However, these systems typically require replacement every few years due to wear and tear Save Our Seabed. In contrast, advanced mooring systems (AMS) offer a more durable and long-lasting solution.

Lifespan of Advanced Mooring Systems

The lifespan of AMS can vary depending on the specific system and environmental conditions. On average, permanent mooring systems can last for 20 to 30 years (Acteon). Some AMS, such as those using elasticated materials, have a lifespan of around 20 years (MCSUK). In certain applications, AMS can last for 10 to 12 years (CABI). The Hazelett elastic system, for example, has a 10-year life expectancy and requires minimal maintenance (Hazelett Marine).

Maintenance of Advanced Mooring Systems

While AMS offer a longer lifespan than traditional mooring systems, regular maintenance is still crucial to ensure their longevity and performance. Monitoring and inspection are key for detecting and diagnosing any issues with the mooring system before they become critical (Core Marine). The Conservation Diver offers a Mooring Line Maintenance and Installation Course to provide the knowledge and skills needed to properly inspect, maintain, and install mooring lines (Conservation Diver).

Benefits of Advanced Mooring Systems

AMS offer several benefits over traditional mooring systems. One of the main advantages is their ability to reduce seabed damage (Save Our Seabed). AMS are specially designed to reduce the interaction between the mooring and sensitive seabed habitats, including seagrass and maerl beds (Natural England). They also increase crew safety, as no line handling or manual mooring adjustments are needed, and reduce surge, sway, and yaw motions (Oceaneering). Additionally, AMS play a crucial role in ensuring the stability of Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, enabling them to withstand extreme weather conditions (Faster Capital). They also offer flexibility and adaptability to different environmental conditions.

Here are four case studies on the lifespan of advanced mooring systems:

A study by Acteon found that permanent mooring systems can have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. However, Floating Production System (FPS) operators often face mooring system integrity issues that can affect this lifespan.

The Advanced Mooring System Info Pack for Harbour Authorities notes that advanced mooring systems have a similar lifespan to traditional mooring systems, with a 30-year design life and a 10-year recommended replacement cycle. The expected lifespan is around 20 years, with some components lasting up to 3 times that.

BW Shipping’s case study on synthetic mooring lines shows that although the life expectancy of synthetic mooring lines is currently unknown, some have been in service for more than 11 years.

Faster Capital’s page on mooring systems delves into the successful implementation of advanced mooring systems through the exploration of case studies and examples, although it does not provide specific details on lifespan.

Please note that the lifespan of advanced mooring systems can vary depending on factors such as the materials used, environmental conditions, and maintenance practices. Regular inspection and maintenance are crucial for extending the service life of these systems.


Advanced mooring systems offer a durable and long-lasting solution for mooring needs. With proper maintenance, AMS can last for 20 to 30 years or more, depending on the specific system and conditions. The benefits of AMS, including reduced seabed damage, increased safety, and improved stability, make them an attractive option for those looking to move beyond traditional chain mooring systems.